Master List   Articles appearing in the North Castle History Booklets



Volume 1, 1974Articles

Cover Photo: Main Street, Armonk, around 1910

Town Hall Reaches Quarter Century by Jane Fehrs

To Middle Patent School .with Love by Doris Finch Watson

The Legend of Jimmy-Under-the-Rock by Joseph Miller as told to Jane Fehrs

Forgotten Roll of Honor (Revolutionary War) by Richard N. Lander


Volume 2, 1975 Articles

Cover Photo: North Broadway and Virginia Road (Fisher Farm), North White Plains,

around 1885-1890

Hannah Knapp’s Diary by Barbara Massi

The Caves of North Castle by Mary C. Brewer

Historical Kensico and The Hills of North Castle by Joseph T. Miller


Volume 3, 1976 Articles

Cover Photo Banksville, New York 1898

In Memoriam  Joseph T. Miller by Richard N. Lander

1736-1936  North Castle’s 200th Birthday by Irene Sandford

Three Men and a Fire; The Beginning of the Armonk Fire Department by Erling J. Taylor

The New York Housatonic and Northern Railroad by Helen Manner

Hugh Mackay, M.D. by Richard N. Lander

The Bicentennial in Perspective

Congratulations, Dick! (regarding Richard N. Lander)


Volume 4, 1977Articles

Cover Photo: Smith’s Tavern 1898

Smith’s Tavern Revisited by Richard N. Lander

Castle Heights Methodist Church by Del Pietschker

The Bicentennial North Castle Style

Corrections to Volumes 1 and 3


Volume 5, 1978 Articles

Cover Photo: Wampus Brook, Armonk 1910

The Friends Meeting House at North Castle

Structural Analysis of the Friends Meeting House

The Four Coman Hills Schools


Volume 6, 1979 Articles

Cover Photo: Charles Lindbergh Landing in Armonk 1928

Armonk’s Adventure in Aviation by Barbara Massi

The Indians of North Castle  Our Native Americans by Doris Finch Watson

Faces From the Past: Grand Army of the Republic Veterans


Volume 7, 1980 Articles

Cover Photo: Sands Mills around 1860

Sands’ Mills by Richard N. Lander (Thomas Wright’s Mills during the American Revolution)

Major Andre, the West Point Connection by Ruth N. Bartlett


Volume 8, 1981 Articles

Cover Photo: Brundage Blacksmith Shop around 1880

The Brundage Blacksmith Shop by Doris Finch Watson, Richard N. Lander and Barbara S. Massi

The Briarcliff Automobile Race by Helen Manner


Volume 9, 1982  Articles

Cover Photo: School District #4 Building, Armonk, 1920

Miss Webster’s School, A Fond Remembrance of School District No. 4

by Hon. James D. Hopkins

The School that Endured  The History of School District No. 4 by Richard N. Lander

James Woolsey, M.D. by Richard N. Lander

200 Residents Attend First Historical Society Meeting by Barbara S. Massi


Volume 10, 1983 Articles

Cover Photo: State Road over Bear Gutter Creek, Kensico Village, around 1900

The Lost Village The History of Kensico & Its Inundation by Neil S. Martin

Kensico   A Special Place by Del Pietschker

The Building of Kensico Dam by Ruth Draper Dalrymple

North Castle School District No. 1   The East Middle Patent School by Hope Weil Levene

A Scene From the Past:  Westchester (Armonk) Airport during the 1930s

Correction Volume 9

Faces From the Past:  The Armonk Gun Club


Volume 11, 1984 Articles

Cover Photo: Dayton House, North Greenwich Road

The Dayton House: Historic House Saved From Fire by Richard N. Lander

Doctors of North Castle by Paul Charry

Armonk Schools 1923-1961 by Harold C. Crittenden


Volume 12, 1985 Articles

Cover Photo: Armonk’s Log Cabin Restaurant

The Jazz World in Armonk 1935-1942 by James D. Hopkins

North Castle’s First Subdivision by Richard N. Lander

North Castle’s Early Transportation by Norman M. Stone


Volume 13, 1986 Articles

Cover Photo: Drawing of East Middle Patent School House

North Castle Revisited by Barbara Massi

North Castle 1736-1986  Commemorative Address on the Occasion of North Castle’s

                250th Anniversary by James D. Hopkins

The Lyon Family of North Castle by Richard N. Lander

Lyon Cemetery by Richard N. Lander

How to Move a Schoolhouse in Just a Few Years by John R. Schnoor

(regarding the East Middle Patent School House)


Volume 14, 1987 Articles

Cover Photo: Armonk United Methodist Church

In Memoriam: Norman M. Stone and Jessie C. Stone by Richard N. Lander

1787-1987: Methodism at North Castle by Richard N. Lander

37th Mile Marker (Danbury Post Road, Armonk)

And a Good Time Was Had by All The Story of Mechanics Hall in North Castle

by James D. Hopkins

Faces From the Past: Armonk United Methodist Church Picnic 1912-1913


Volume 15, 1988  Articles

Cover Photo: The North Castle Library, Armonk, 1941

The North Castle Hills: An Afro-American Community in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,

Part I by Edythe Quinn Caro

Paths That Upward Lead by Esther G. Hall (reprint of 1963 Twenty-Fifth Anniversary

                Booklet Celebrating the North Castle Library, Armonk)

Sights (Sites) From the Past: Carriage Blocks and Hitching Post in Historic District, Armonk


Volume 16, 1989  -- Articles

Cover Photo:  St. Patrick s Church, Armonk, 1924

St. Patrick s Church of Armonk 1924-1982 by Sebastian N. Silvestro

1903 Article from Mt. Kisco Recorder describing Armonk

A Note as to Custom   Skimmerton by Hon. James D. Hopkins

Jonathan Hobby s Recipe for Cheap Paint, about 1815-1829

The North Castle Hills   An Afro-American Community in the Mid-Nineteenth Century,

                               Part II by Edythe Quinn Caro

Allen Banks of North Castle by Edythe Quinn Caro

The Old Post Road and Its Milestones in North Castle by Richard N. Lander and Richard

                               M. Lederer, Jr.

Correction for Volume 15, 1988

Faces From the Past:                          Nine Young People of Armonk Village around 1885

                                                                                               George H. Lovelett and Deborah Ann See Lovelett around 1900

                                                                                               Charles Johnson s Auto Stage between Valhalla and Armonk

                                                                                                                               ca. 1910-1915


Volume 17, 1990  --  Articles

Cover Photo:  Dr. George B. Clark House ca. 1910, Bedford Road, Armonk

George B. Clark, M.D. by Richard N. Lander

Places From the Past: Waterbury Farm House, King Street, Armonk

Remembrances of Armonk and Banksville by Rev. Jonas A. Inman

Faces From the Past: The Huestis Family around 1913

North Castle:  Terminus of The Bronx River Parkway by Richard M. Lederer

Places From the Past: Brundage House (Hickory & Tweed); 410 Main Street, Armonk


Volume 18, 1991 Articles

Cover Photo: Dr. Ralph Barnard Griswold House, Banksville

Ralph Barnard Griswold, M.D.:The Banksville Country Doctor by Doris Finch Watson

Addendum to Dr. Mortimer Cohn article, Volume 11, 1984

The Hampden Bank and North Castle’s Own Paper Money by Ronald J. Benice

The North Castle Historical Society:   History in the Making by Barbara S. Massi

In Memoriam   William Bancroft, Sr.


Volume 19, 1992  Articles

Cover Photo: St. Stephen s Episcopal Church during 1890s

St. Stephen s Episcopal Church 1842-1992 by Marjorie A. Moore

Robert W. Harris, D.D.: Founder of St. Stephen s Church by Richard N. Lander

Hotline to Armonk (Telephone Service) by Oliver A. Knapp, Jr. and Barbara S. Massi

An Early Westchester Cemetery (Ferris Family) by Michael Ferris

Description of Armonk, April 5, 1903   Mt. Kisco Recorder Newspaper

Places From the Past: Raven s Corner, Armonk about 1920

Armonk Hotel (Reynolds Saloon) about 1910

 Maple Avenue and Main Street, Armonk about 1910


Volume 20, 1993  --  Articles

Cover Photo: Middle Patent United Methodist Church Building about 1901

(In Memory of) Richard N. Lander   May 20, 1928   April 2, 1993

A Memorial Tribute to Richard N. Lander by Barbara S. Massi

In Memoriam   Richard N. Lander by Hon. James D. Hopkins

Memories of Dick by Eight Contributors

A History of the Middle Patent United Methodist Church by Richard N. Lander

The Middle Patent United Methodist Church 1972-1993 by Jean H. Lander

(In Memory of) Albert E. Smorol: March 13, 1940   January 18, 1993



Volume 21, 1994  -- Articles

Ken Mains   Our First President by Doris Finch Watson

The North Castle Sun and The North Castle Monitor by Ken Mains and Said Marie Mains

A Peaceable Kingdom by R. Eugene Curry edited by Sharon Tomback

Thomas and William Wright, Millers at Mile Square by Sharon Tomback

North Castle Town Clerks, 1736-1886

Remembering Tony Ellrodt by Doris Finch Watson

The Honorable James R. Caruso by Judge Susan R. Shimer

Saluting Barbara Massi, Retired   Again!

Contents of Volumes 1  20, North Castle History Booklets

Random Notes on Windmill Farms as recalled by Carlo M. Paterno

Judge George E. Mead


Volume 21, 1994  Photographs, Drawings

Front Cover:  Judge George E. Mead and His Pair of Oxen, 1936

Ken Mains

Gene and Margery Curry

St. Mary s Church Building

Tony Ellrodt

Judge James R. Caruso

Reynolds Farmhouse


Volume 21, 1994  --  Maps

Mr. & Mrs. Curry’ s  Peaceable Kingdom

Mile Square


Volume 22, 1995  -- Articles

 Old Glory , a poem by Walter Ray Bell, Jr.

The End of World War II by Sharon Tomback

Tribute to Our Photographer, Dick Koenig

A Listing of Some North Castle World War II Veterans copied from a plaque at Town Hall

by Ray Bell, Barbara Massi and Lew Massi

The 1798 Quaker Meeting House Dedication

The United Nations World Headquarters Almost Settle Here by Doris Finch Watson

Whippoorwill by Marjorie Moore

The Story of a Grand Building: Watkins Estate, Prichitt Estate, North Castle Gold &

Tennis Club, Embassy Club by Sharon Tomback

Local News   Back in 1930 (Kaiser vs. Gifford) by Doris Finch Watson

From the Past: Two Tax Collection Notices; Norman W. Lander, Charles H. Ferris &

Eldon M. Pietschker, 1914 and George P. Schmaling, 1959


Volume 22, 1995  --  Photographs, Drawings and Maps

Cover Photo:  American Flag and the Eagle

Some North Castle Veterans, 1946

Walter Sutherland Finch, 1946

New York/Connecticut United Nations Tract

The Grand Building, Front and Rear Views

Inside the Main Room of The Grand Building

The Prichitt Daughters, Peggy, Carol and Kay

Two Bedrooms of The Grand Building

Charles Kaiser Old Farmhouse, about 1930


Volume 23, 1996  -- Articles

James D. Hopkins: A Daughter s Remembrance by Cynthia H. Smith

North Castle Collectors and Receivers of Taxes by Mildred Wago

 Skimatin , A Banksville Wedding Reception by Doris Finch Watson

Our First Honorary Trustee:  Bob Pippet by Doris Finch Watson

Memorial Dedicated to Richard N. Lander

Commemorating Our 25th Anniversary (The North Castle Historical Society s)

Correction to North Castle History, Volume 20, 1993

The Capture of  Public Enemy Number One  by William Gerald Hendricks written by

Willam Gerald Henricks, Jr.

The Armonk Eagle by Orestes J. Mihaly


Volume 23, 1996   Photographs and Drawings

Cover Photo:  Church Corner, Armonk about 1920 (Bedford Road and Main Street)

James D. Hopkins with Daughter Cynthia, 1962

The A. Smith Hopkins Family about 1902

 Skimatin  in Banksville in the 1920s

Bob Pippet and Dorrie Watson, August, 1995

John and Goldie Wago Hergenhan and Gerald and Lillian Trerotola Hendricks, 1937

Layout Map showing Police Booth, Judge Raven s Home and Businesses, 1937

North Castle Police Booth: Sgt. J.C. Hergenhan, Ptl. J. Caringi, Ptl. W. Orman and

Ptl. W.G. Hendricks, about 1937

Re-enactment of the Vandenbush Capture, Main Street and Route 22, Armonk

Bicentennial parade, rendering by Art Soka

Some Who Worked on The Eagle

Original Banner Concept

Art Soka and Michael Gressel and the Eagle s  Offspring

The Eagle s Construction, Transport and Display



Volume 24, 1997  Articles

North Castle s Shoemaking Industry by Doris Finch Watson

Cracker Barrel Mayor by Julius Mahler

Whippoorwill School by Marie Conversano

Judge Julius Raven by Edith Hahn

The Teapot and The Cabbage, A Tale by I. Howard Kinch

Official Seal, Town of North Castle, New York


Volume 24, 1997   Photographs

Cover Photo:  Official Seal, Town of North Castle, New York

Mr. Worden s Cobbler s Shop

William Bussing Worden

1855 Account Ledger Page for Mrs. Theodore Jones

Mr. Mead s Cobbler s Bench

1859 Day Book page for Mrs. Lorenzo Mead

1851 Ledger Page for Methodist Episcopal Sewing Society

Middle Patent Church Building, about 1915

Silas Derby and the Banksville State

Hiram Finch; John Banks; Ann Maria Banks Hobby and Joseph Silkman Hobby

1855 Hobby, Van Ranst and Parker Invoice

Hobby, Van Ranst and Parker Store (later Finch s Store)

Marvin Finch

Lester Elwood Ferris and David Parker, 1955

District No. 5, Consolidated School, 1925 (Whippoorwill School)

8th Grade Graduating Class, Whippoorwill School, 1940

Elwood Clark, William E. Barrett, Jim O Boyle and Joe Arnold

4th Grade Class, Whippoorwill School, 1963-1964

James Hopkins, Julius Raven, H.C. Crittenden and James Caruso

Walter Lindenau, Winifred Gentzel and R.L. Lawrence, 1936

Judge Julius Raven



Volume 25, 1998  Articles

James Guion of North Castle, 1777-1861 by George Pouder

Armonk s Putty Factory by George Waterbury

The Early American Herb Garden at Smith s Tavern by Constance Quarrie and Carolyn Salon

Dorothy Woodward Twyeffort Hubbell, A Tribute

Memories of Ginna Clapp by Cheryl Carter

In Memory of James Robison by Doris Finch Watson

The Windmill Club Turns Fifty And Looks Back by Peggy Rao

Banksville Community House by Garnette S. Teass

Real Estate Valued at Quarter Million Changes Hands (1916)

Some Homes and Estates in North Castle (1914 and 1925)

Breezemont (Cox s Boarding House, Cox s Summit View House/Farm, Tredwell s Farm)

Skunks in Post Office Zone Law Violation, Says Town Attorney

Our Antiques Show (The North Castle Historical Society s Armonk Antiques Show)

Trustees of The North Castle Historical Society


Volume 25, 1998  --  Photographs and Maps

North Castle History Booklets Retrospective, 1974, 1976, 1983

Samuel Banks/James Guion House

Bill of Sale, Armonk Garage, 1937

Constance Quarrie

Carolyn Salon

Virginia  Ginna  Fee Clapp

Cheryl Carter

James Robison

Robison s Lake

1908 E. Belcher Hyde Map of Parts of Armonk and North Castle

Tredwell’s Farm

Cox s Boarding House

North Castle Town Officials, 1906



Volume 26, 1999  --  Articles

The Wagon Wheel Restaurant by Doris Finch Watson

Corrections to North Castle History, Volume 25, 1998

A North Castle Farmer s 1886 Diary by Richard N. Lander

County Lore Set Lander Course by Madeleine Wilson

The American Venus by Sharon Tomback

Street Lights for Armonk from The North Castle Monitor

Town Meetings by Sharon Tomback

The UNO Headquarters and North Castle  Town Meeting

Three Legal Notices   Fences, Cattle, Trespassers

 Buck’s  Yankee Doodle Band by  Al.  Young

Trustees of The North Castle Historical Society


Volume 26, 1999   Photographs and Maps

Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller and George P. Schmaling, 1960

Tax Greetings for 1947 to Mr. & Mrs. Roy Farrington

Theodore and Clara Armenia (Palmer) Brundage

Richard Norman and Jean (Holmes) Lander

Officials at the 1930 Street Lights Ceremony

North Castle Road Districts 1791-1848

Jennie Clarkson Home Under Construction



Volume 27, 2000  -- Articles

Wenga Farm by Doris Finch Watson

IBM Corporation, A Different Neighbor by Sharon Tomback

A Tour of North Castle, 1986 by Doris Finch Watson

 Thank You  Note from Mrs. George Schmaling

Tompkins  (Redbrooke) Baseball Club of Armonk

Satchel Paige s Rules to Live By

A Baseball Report from 1930


Volume 27, 2000  --  Photographs and Maps

Cornell-Birdsall House, 2001

Cornell-Birdsall House, mid-1960s

Wenga Farm:

Agnew Mansion

Agnew Mansion, Aerial View

Cornell-Birdsall House, Original Site

Crow s Nest

South Gate, 1976

Peach Blow, 1976

Barns and Silo

Apple Picking

Gathering the Corn

A Children s Costume Party, c. 1915

George Bliss Agnew, Cornelius Rea Agnew, Sr., and Cornelius Rea Agnew, Jr.

The Agnew Family Silver Crest

IBM Corporation:

World Headquarters Building, 1964 Aerial View

Map of North Castle, 1964

World Headquarters Building, 1964

                               South Interior Garden, 1964

North Interior Garden, 1964

Management Development Center, 1980s Aerial View

                 World Headquarters Building, 1997

Robert W. Hubner, Richard N. Lander and Doris Finch Watson,  The IBM Gift

A Tour of North Castle, 1986:

                               Tour Map

                               Thomas Wright s Mills/Maj. Andre Monument Site

                               Slater s Hotel

                               Townsend House

                               Reuben Wright s Mills Monument

                               Miller House (Washington s Headquarters)

                               Mile Marker   38 Miles from New York

                               Embassy Club

                               Gedney-Lyon House

                               Middle Patent Church

                               Middle Patent School

                               Feeks House

Tompkins  (Redbrooke) Baseball Club, c. 1915


Volume 28, 2001 Articles


Israel Townsend by Sharon Tomback

Indian Stone for Grinding (reprint The Reporter Dispatch newspaper)

September 11, 2001, In Remembrance by Doris Finch Watson

Patriotism, a poem by Sir Walter Scott

Looking Back at the Bicentennial by Barbara S. Massi

Route 684: A $100 Million Road by Sharon Tomback

Supervisors 1736-2002, Town of North Castle, Town Records

Maxl’s Rathskeller (postcard reprint)

Armonk   Hi Jinks at Dawning, 1 1937 poem by The Man About Town


Volume 28, 2001  --  Photographs and Maps


Israel Townsend House, 1976

Site of Israel Townsend House, 2001

Israel Townsend, born 1791

1881 Map Showing Townsend Property

Indian Stone Dedication Committee, 1960

Indian Stone for Grinding and Dedication Plaque, 2001

Bicentennial Celebrations in North Castle, 1976

Scenes from the Protest March against Building Route 684

North Castle Supervisors

                               John A. Lombardi, James R. Caruso,

                               James D. Hopkins, T. Darrington Semple,

                               Carroll M. Snyder, and Richard P. Limburg

Wood Butcher s Baseball Team

Armonk Marathon Runners

Maxl s Rathskeller, 1934

4 A.M. at Armonk, 1937



Volume 29, 2002  -- Articles


Sells  North Castle Farm (Today s Windmill Farm) by Doris Finch Watson  

Memories of Marguerite Lewis by E. J.  Bumpy  Taylor

Editor s Notes about Marguerite

James Nickerson Angevine by Frank H. Bradsell

Freeholders of 1763, Town of North Castle (reprint Town Records)

North Castle Divided: the 1791 Creation of the Town

                               of New Castle (reprint Town Records)

Middle Patent School, 1954 (Editors)

The Paint-Protect-Preserve Fund (Editors)

Trustees of The North Castle Historical Society


Volume 29, 2002 - Photographs, Drawings and Maps


Elijah Watt Sells  House as it appeared in 1909

Hiram Finch (d. 1897)

Elijah Watt Sells (d. 1924)

Apple Orchard, North Castle Farm,  The End of Pig is Bacon                        

Tennis Court, North Castle Farm,  Score, Love-All

New York and Bedford Road in front of North Castle Farm

Sells  Farmhouse,  A Study in the Virtues of Omission

Two Views of Elijah Watt Sells and His Horses

Dr. & Mrs. Charles V. and Baby Carlo Paterno, ca. 1907

Windmill Farm Brown-Paterno-Seeler House

A Windmill Farm Windmill

Bill Reiber s Rhineland Gardens Nightclub, 1936

(aka Palais D Or, Palador, Asia, Blue Gardens)

Marguerite Lewis & Other Cox Avenue School Students, 1920                      

1867 Map section showing  North Castle P.O.

A 1944 Financial Commentary (political cartoon)

Middle Patent School, 1954

Kevin Hanrahan and Phoebe Finch Watson, c. 1980



Volume 30, 2003  -- Articles


Words From the Civil War (David Clauson Banks) by Doris Finch Watson                 

Some Slaves in North Castle by Sharon Tomback

Rye Lake Bridge, State Road Route 22 

Henker s Farm by Leonard Pouder

Henker s Farm & the Banksville Fire Emblem by Doris Finch Watson

A Salute to John Schnoor by Sharon Tomback


Volume 30, 2003 - Photographs, Drawings and Maps


The Henker Farm as it appeared in 1989

Civil War Supply Wagons, Belle Plain, Virginia, 1864                    

David Clauson Banks from Daguerreotype, 1862                                     

David Clauson Banks  Discharge Certificate, 1864                                 

Walter Banks (d. 1882)                                                                                                                                                     

Banks Family Farmhouse, Bedford                                                                              

David Clauson Banks Home, Banksville, c. 1922 

William S. Finch (d. 1934) and Ella B. Finch (d. 1893)                  

Children of William and Ella Finch, c. 1894                                                    

Walter S. Finch (d. 1961) and Emma M. Finch (d. 1967)          

Mrs. David Clauson Banks with Grandsons Walter S.

    and William E. Finch at Banksville Home                                                  

David Clauson Banks with William E. Finch,

   Walter D. Finch and William E. Finch, Jr.                                                    

Sarah Ann and David Clauson Banks, 1898                                                    

Emancipation of Rachel, a Mulatto Girl                                                              

Two Views of Rye Lake Bridge under Construction,

     State Route 22, 1910-1911                                                                                                                              

Girls Washing Vegetables, Henker s Farm, 1980s 

Map Showing the Henker Farmland, c. 1950                                                

The Henker Farm, 1992                                                                                                                  

The Henker Farm, 1993                                                                                                                                                  

 Henkers Farm , 2003                                                                                                                                                        

Victor Mead, Frank and Ernie Henker, 1991                                                  

Henker s Farm from Banks Farm Road, 1989                                              

Frank, Gertrude and Ernie Henker, 1991                                                              

Banksville Independent Fire Company Emblem                                      

John Schnoor, 1986                                                                                                                                                              



[Master List Articles NCSH Booklets]