- The scheduling and organization of exhibits will be the sole responsibility of the Library. The scheduling for display space shall not be made more than one year in advance.
- Anyone who wishes to make the Library aware of resources available for possible inclusion in the Library exhibit should fill out the Friends’ Gallery Application and Contract.
- Materials exhibited primarily for commercial purposes will not be included in Library exhibits.
- The Library reserves the right to make the final decision of how all of its exhibits are arranged.
- The artwork to be exhibited must be appropriate for viewing by all ages.
- The exhibit must be open to the public.
- All paintings must be framed
- Signage, if any, for all exhibits will be provided by the exhibitor with approval by the Library.
- No lender may change, add, or remove any items in an exhibit during its scheduled exhibition period.
- Lenders will be asked to supply background information on the items lent to exhibits at least four weeks in advance of the exhibit opening to ensure adequate lead time in developing signage and writing news releases for the media.
- Exhibits will remain on display for no more than four weeks.
- The Library may accompany its exhibits with complementary brochures, bookmarks or other items related to the exhibit’s theme.
- The exhibiting artist may have one reception in the Friends’ Gallery. The date of the reception must be approved by the Library. If alcoholic beverages will be served during the reception, an alcohol permit must be obtained from the Town of North Castle. Once received, the alcohol permit must be sent to the Library Director two weeks before the reception.
- Prices can be presented on an acrylic display next to the entrance of the Friends’ Gallery
- Because of limited storage space, it is imperative that materials loan for exhibition be dropped off and picked up at designated times. The Library will not be responsible for any items loaned for exhibits. Any items left more than four weeks after the exhibit date may be disposed of as the Library sees fit.
- The Library is not responsible for any theft or damage, nor does it carry insurance to protect items loaned for display. Insurance is the sole responsibility of the lender.
- All persons loaning items for exhibits in the Library must complete and sign the Friends’ Gallery Application and Contract.
- The final authority for approving all exhibits in the Library is the Library Director.
- All exhibits must conform to the space restrictions of the display areas. Exhibits to be hung on the walls or display panels shall be done so securely and under the guidelines of the Library.
- The Library use of display areas takes precedence over any other use and the Library reserves the right to, without notice, cancel the use of the display areas by outside exhibits if the Library Director determines that the display space is needed for Library purposes.
- The Library reserves the right to deny or cancel any application.
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on August 6, 2001.
Re-Adopted: August 12, 2008