The purpose of exhibiting at the North Castle Public Library is to enhance the Library environment, promote community engagement, and provide educational and cultural enrichment for Library visitors.
Interested exhibitors shall review the Exhibitor Policy included in the Exhibitor Application and Agreement Packet prior to executing the Gallery Indemnification Agreement and submitting an application.
General policies of interest to our community are as follows:
All exhibits are free and open to the public.
Exhibit Selection Criteria
- The approval, scheduling, and organization of exhibits are at the discretion of the Library.
- The Library does not censor artwork. Exhibitors, however, should be mindful that the gallery is a public area, regularly visited by children and adults from our community so all artwork must be appropriate for viewing by all ages.
- Exhibits should reflect the Library’s role as an educational, cultural, and community institution.
- Exhibit content criteria includes, but is not limited to:
- Suitability of subject matter and physical presentation;
- Local or regional interest;
- Space requirements; and,
- Quality of the presentation.
- Materials exhibited primarily for commercial purposes will not be included.
Publicity and Reception
- The Library may provide publicity about the exhibit, which may include social media and website publicity, complementary brochures, bookmarks, or other items related to the exhibit’s theme.
- Exhibitors may list prices on an acrylic display next to the entrance of the Friends Gallery.
- Exhibitors are welcome to host one reception, the date of which must be approved by the Library.
Timeline and Placement of Exhibits
- The Library reserves the right to determine the schedule of all exhibits, including the length and location of exhibits.
- Library use of exhibit areas takes precedence over any other use.
- The Library reserves the right, without notice, to cancel the use of the exhibit area if the Director determines that the space is needed for Library purposes.
- Exhibits will remain on display no more than four weeks.
DRAFT 3/10/25